Laying the foundation for helping individuals develop imagination and self expression.
The Method
What it is…
Dramakinetics is an adjustable program using drama, movement, and music. The program enables Teachers and Caregivers to support individuals by stimulating and awakening their minds through the arts in order to build information and retrieve it from storage.
The Dramakinetics integrated arts method helps students acquire skills necessary for cognitive, language, emotional, and physical development and function.
In summary, Dramakinetics is a method that emphasizes skills and strategies which lend themselves to the total growth of the student and tends to develop within the student creative expression and a positive self-concept.
Where it is…
Dramakinetics can be used with groups and individuals of all ages and abilities, 2-102, in any location that provides a creative environment.
How it is…
Dramakinetics provides training to educators, therapists, health specialists, caregivers, and parents for the use of the method. Training can take place virtually or onsite, with individuals or groups.
What we do…
For Children
We will show how important it is to help children improve their Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence and to discover new depths of creativity through motor development, perceptual development, emotional development, social awareness, and the thinking processes.
For Adults
Dramakinetics helps Elders to recall and maintain gross motor skills, memory, and typical speech patterns. Dementia is an aggressive disease that attacks most areas of the brain. However, science has shown that one of the last portions of the brain affected by dementia deals with music and rhythm. Reintroducing individuals with dementia to songs of their past and familiar rhythms helps individuals recall muscle movement, memories, and typical speech patterns.
We help train caregivers, family and friends to help Elders tap into their creative potential by experiencing, creating and performing arts activities through Dramakinetics. The use of these activities helps the Elders to recall and maintain gross motor skills, memory, and typical speech patterns. Dr. Complo and Ms. Shooner work with caregivers and staff to learn how to use the program with their Elders.
For information regarding the Dramakinetics Method and training, contact Pam Shooner at